A work of Japanese genius illustrator Shiro Tatsumi who ran through the 20th century.

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-Prize work-

1962, Shiro was selected "Nissenbi Awards"(Japan Advertising Artists Club Awards) for the first time. He was selected continuously "Nissenbi Awards" until 1965 from which it graduates.

1966, "Kafka complete volume, umpire" was chosen to be "Nissenbi Awards Special" selecting.

"Kafka complete volume, umpire"

1967, 4 works "Baudelaire", "Secret passage of the pope agency" , "Barks", "A certain smile", were chosen to be "Nissenbi Awards Special", other 2 works were selected "Nissenbi Awards"

Left/1967, "Secret passage of the pope agency" Right/"Barks"

Left/1967, "Baudelaire" Right/"A certain smile"

Shiro challenges and it is selected to Nissenbi Awards only by the picture "1968〜illustration" in 1968. He wanted only the prize, he stopped the challenge to Nissenbi Awards on the day though the admission to the member was recommended.


1972, wins the ADC prize silver by "Dispatch soldiers" .

"Dispatch soldiers"

The work is being arranged now.
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